Weekly Storytimes

Quechee Storytime: Wednesday. @ 10 a.m.
Wilder Storytime: Tuesday. @ 10 a.m.

WED, JULY 24,t 4 pm–Susan Shimko will be at Quechee Library to guide kids in thinking about the solar system –about the names of planets and their colors and various facts.  Then on to creating art  using paint, salad spinners and rubbing alcohol. Pre-registration appreciated.

All created solar systems will be welcomed back for the Quechee Library Kids’ Art Show Opening on August 3rd so join us as we reach, and design, our own spaces in space!

The calendar is  ready–full of storywalks, reading challenges for all ages, art opportunities, frolics in the Town forest, chess and gardening outside.  Check us out!  Lots of books, lots of fun, and prizes and ice cream on August 3 for those participating in the reading challenge for all ages./
Family Fun times for the Third Thursday Parties at the Wilder Club and Library! Drop in from 4-6 for music, activities and a food truck! Mark Aug. 15 in Red on the calendar.


We have all the new Golden Dome books and all the Green Mountain Award books ready for the upcoming school year.   Start enjoying them—along with a big assortment of  comic and graphic novels.



Plan to make use of our beautiful  outdoor chess table, many museum and park places, a Library of Things, and print and electronic offerings.

Quechee Telephone: 802-295-1232Quechee Email: Wilder Telephone: 802-295-6341                                  Wilder Email: